Improving your Tender

There’s a thin line between success and failure when it comes to public sector procurement – and the results don’t always come down to the lowest price. Losing out on a public sector contract can be very frustrating – especially when you’ve spent hours, even days, putting together your bid. It’s even more frustrating when your buyer’s feedback suggests that you need to do more to stress the quality of your organisation’s services or goods, and not just the cost.
This two day Just Enterprise Improving Your Tender workshop is aimed at third sector organisations who have some experience of tendering and who want to improve their success rate to be first past the post. During the two days you will gain a better understanding of what makes a successful bid and be introduced to some of the techniques you can use to maximise your scores. With our procurement experts’ support – including techniques on building effective partnerships or consortium bids from P4P – you’ll learn what it takes to stand out from the contract crowd and convince the buyer that yours is the best organisation for the job.
For you if:
- you work in a third sector organisation and have some experience of tendering
- you have submitted tenders but want to be more successful
- you have some experience of tendering and will be involved in preparing future bids including using the Public Contracts Scotland and Public Contract Scotland Tender websites
This course is fully funded and there is no charge to participants
New dates/locations coming soon!
If you have little/no experience of tendering please attend Introduction to Tendering
If you are working with a ‘live’ tender or are expecting on imminently please apply for