Fine Tune Your Social Enterprise for Start Ups

Just Enterprise’s Fine Tune events provide a fantastic opportunity for early stage social enterprises to access lots of specialist business and technical support in one day, under one roof.
As well as offering enterprise expertise, they are a brilliant way to meet other social entrepreneurs, share ideas and experiences, and explore potential business opportunities via our optional networking session.
Our next Fine Tune event is specifically looking at all things social and will cover key enterprise-appropriate topics within the social theme. You can book onto sessions on social investment, social impact social enterprise and the environment – and much more!
The event has been taken online in the hope of reaching more social entrepreneurs from across the nation, but will still have all the features of an in-person event. You can browse our expo to find more support for your enterprise, visit the networking area to meet fellow event attendees and join one of our networking breakouts to get involved in group discussions!
For you if:
- You have an idea for a social enterprise
- Your social enterprise is at the early stages of trading
- You would like support from business experts and professionals as you start your social enterprise journey
This event is fully funded and there is no charge to participants
Book your place below or find out more about other support available including one to one support here
“Really well tailored to our personal needs, very supportive and informative. Fantastic, I’m feeling more confident already!”