Costing your Tender

The price is not right? Many third sector organisations are missing out on a slice of the public sector pie because their procurement pricing is wide of the mark.
costing your bids

With annual spend of £11bn on goods and services, the public sector presents a real opportunity for social enterprises to bid for some of their contracts which come up through the procurement process. However, tenders are often awarded on the basis of price and quality, and many third organisations miss out on because the price they charge doesn’t reflect the quality of the service they deliver.  

In this one day Costing Your Tender workshop, Just Enterprise’s specialist procurement experts will outline all of the elements you need to consider when calculating the total cost of suppling goods or delivering services to the public sector.  Using practical examples, you’ll also be guided through the processes you’ll need to complete to apply for tenders, and we’ll translate all the procurement jargon too. 

For you if: 

  • you’re involved in calculating the cost of a service and supporting a public sector tender
  • you want to know more about how to get the balance right between cost, quality and community benefit when completing procurement applications


This course is fully funded and there is no charge to participants

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