As a social enterprise you are balancing profit and purpose every day. Profit can be measured in pounds and pence, but what about impact?
Being able to articulate the difference your social enterprise makes to your stakeholders (including customers, funders, staff) can help you stand out from the crowd.
This comprehensive E-Learning programme will give you the skills to measure and demonstrate your social impact.
What You’ll Learn
Time Commitment
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What You’ll Learn
Module 1: Establishing your Mission
32 minutes
Your organisation is on a mission to change society for the better. It all starts here. Find out how to tell others about your cause and why it matters. Learn how to build consensus on the mission that propels your work forward and defines its success.
- Reflecting on your cause.
- Understanding your stakeholders
- Defining your mission.
- Articulating your mission statement
Module 2: Defining your Business Model
35 minutes
All successful social enterprises find the sweet spot between mission and money. Learn about the different businesses approaches that can be used to deliver your mission and how to design a business model that will maximise impact.
- Understanding social enterprise
- Using your business model to deliver your mission
- Articulating your business model to stakeholders
Module 3: Identifying your Value Proposition
31 minutes
Social enterprises are complicated organisations. They create value in many ways. Find out about value propositions, and how you can use them to describe the things that make your work distinctive, successful and uniquely valuable to others.
- Understanding your value
- Maximising value
- Creating a value proposition
Module 4: Planning your Intended Change
48 minutes
Making a positive change in the world isn’t easy. It takes careful planning. Find out how to explain your theory of change, and how to use it to manage the relationship between your strategies, your performance, and the results you bring about.
- Defining your expected results
- Outcomes and outputs
- Using logic models
- Introducing performance measures
Module 5: Using Performance Measures
41 minutes
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. Find out how to find, use and apply performance measures to show that you are making progress and achieving the impact you hoped for.
- Understanding indicators, measures and metrics
- Selecting the right performance indicators, measures and metrics
- Expressing value in monetary terms
Module 6: Collecting Useful Information
56 minutes
The facts are always friendly, so let good evidence guide your way. Find out how to decide what information you should be collecting and the methods that you can use. Learn about our 10 tips for better data collection and a simpler life.
- Collecting data
- Measuring outcomes
- Understanding and adapting tools for measurement
Module 7: Gauging Performance and Impact
44 minutes
Using data can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to drown in a sea of numbers. Find out how to assemble and analyse data quickly and in a way that stands up to scrutiny. Learn how to use data to make smarter and more impactful decisions.
- Analysing your data
- Comparing your results
- Making data analysis routine
Module 8: Reporting on Results
40 minutes
You no longer have to get weighed down by the same dull reports. Find out how to produce a full, balanced and persuasive account of your work. Learn how to use narrative, numbers, images and stories to good effect.
- Presenting your information
- Understanding your audience
- Using statistics and stories
- Adding value with visuals
Module 9: Communicating with Evidence
28 minutes
Don’t keep your story a secret; shout it from the rooftops. Find out to use tried and tested communication methods to share your evidence, strengthen your message and mobilise an army of supporters behind your cause.
- Setting communication objectives
- Tailoring your communication
- Telling your story
- Understanding communication channels
Module 10: Using Evidence to Grow Impact
31 minutes
Got your message out there but want to take things to the next level? Find out how to use evidence to drive a cycle of improvement – transparent performance, useful learning, better results, more support, and it goes on.
- Using your results internally
- Learning from your results
- Creating systemic change
Time Commitment
Each module has an indicative length in the course description but you may need to allow longer to complete the suggested activities alongside. You will need to complete all of your online learning within 8 weeks of your enrolment date.
Enrolment Information
This course has 10 modules. There is no limit to the amount of modules you can register for.
This programme is fully funded with no cost to participants.
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WHAT IS IMPACT PRACTICE from Social Enterprise Institute on Vimeo.
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